Confident Parents Raising Confident Kids

Confident Parents Raising Confident Kids is an online course that will help you to bring about a greater parenting experience in your life. It is about passing on the best of you to your children. It is about recognizing them as a whole while rediscovering the best in yourself. In this online course, J.D.Wright of Dana Clark Colors shares the practices she knows. Enroll today and begin your journey of elevating the best in you.
Alexandria Black History Museum: Back to Fun Book Fair

A teacher, mommy of three boys, and a wife. Mrs. Berry-Pettus is a graduate of the University of Maryland, College Park. She has earned a Masters in Urban and Minority Education, a B.S in Early Human Development/ Early Childhood Education, and a B.S. in Family Science. Her goal as an author is to increase the presence of African American children in children’s books. Every child deserves to see themselves in the books they read.

Kristi Guillory Reid has always loved to write, and she’s thrilled to now add the title “author” to her resume with her first book, Harper Counts Her Blessings. Over the years, Kristi’s work has appeared in a number of publications, including CNN.COM, the Washington Informer and Washington Parent. You can purchase Harper Counts Her Blessings directly from Kristi as well as on Amazon.com and BN.com.

“We Are Kings and Queens” is the first volume in a series presented by Kamose LLC. This series is intended to enlighten and educate the world of our greatness. Through these literary works of art, our youth will be given the opportunity to look into the mirror and see themselves for who they really are…Kings and Queens. It’s time…

From real life sisters, Dyesha and Triesha McCants comes The Misadventures of Tarah And Darah: The Switch:
Tarah and Darah have hatched a hilarious prank. But, when they start to trick their friends, they realize that there’s more to being twins than simply looking alike.

Graceful Gabby is excited about her new room, but she’s disappointed that everything in her new room is not “pinky” perfect. Come along with Graceful Gabby as she learns about the Fruit of the Spirit. With the help of her Grand Ma-Ma, Graceful Gabby learns to recognize and share the special gift of love with others and to appreciate the love of family. Click here for more details or here to read the latest review.

J.D. Wright is the creator of DanaClarkColors.com and the Dana Clark Colors School of Inspiration. She is the Author of 7 children’s books which maps out fun ways towards a more confident mindset. Her mission is to empower children with activities of self-confidence and supply them with journaling tools that depict positive self-images. J.D. Wright also collaborates with teams and organizations such as educational institutions, local city governments, and local community centers to expand her production of book fairs which are currently touring the surrounding Washington, DC areas.